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Life-Saving Aid for Flooded and Underwater

Updated: Jan 15

Millions of men, women, and children are suffering from the ongoing torrential monsoon rains that have occurred in Bangladesh this year. These rains have caused 90% of the region to become flooded and underwater. Families including Nurjahan's are experiencing heartbreaking circumstances completely out of their control as they lack food, potable water, and shelter.




Bountiful Blessings in Bangladesh


Your abundant generosity has given the children of tea farmers in Bangladesh a chance to pursue a quality Catholic education! In 2022, the students and teachers were able to have opportunities including:

  • Receiving schoolbooks, notebooks, and other educational materials.

  • Extra math and English classes for students with special needs.

  • Religion classes along with music and singing classes.

  • Two organized parent meetings during the school year.

  • Salaries for the dedicated teachers in the Diocese of Sylhet .

Unfortunately. Bangladesh experienced intense flooding last year and the Diocese of Sylhet was impacted. Schools became flooded and underwater, students and their families lost everything, and many suffered from sickness. We were ab e to collaborate with the Diocese of Sylhet and provide food, clothes, education, and a medical camp to 1900 families under four civil districts in Sylhet Division and 6 parishes in the Diocese.

"With a grateful heart, we sincerely thank our kind and generous donors for their contribution for the school going children of Sylhet Diocese." - Fr.Jacob Finney, OMI. Procurator, the Sylhet Catholic Diocese

Thank you for providing aid and support to Bangladesh during their time of need!


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