There are no water sources for the 16,000 that live in the village of Ndekesha. Just dilapidated rain wells at the Missionary Institute Friends of Christ Sisters' convent that provide rainwater, but only when it rains. Women and children slowly carry water in dirty containers back and forth from an unclean river and walk 3-5 km every day as this is the closest water source.
Fr. Emile Tshisekedi, pastor at Our Lady of Seven Sorrows in Ndekesha, knows how desperate the situation is, "If the need for drinking water is real in all our country (the DRC) in general, it's worst in Ndekesha." Children and their families get sick from waterborne illnesses and diseases like diarrhea, malaria, and dracunculiasis.
A water tower will decrease waterborne illnesses, promote health and hygiene, eliminate hours spent locating water, and give women and children the freedom to focus on school and their community.
Water Tower Project Completed!
September 2023
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you on behalf of the people of Ndekesha Missions and the
entire population of kazumba! The project aimed to construct a water tower and was initially scheduled for completion within three months. The people of Ndekesha Missions, facing various challenges, worked, over the course of eleven months, to complete the project
We are pleased to share that as. of September 17, 2023, the population of Kazumba now has access to clean and safe drinking water. The availability of clean water has prevented waterborne illnesses and been instrumental in saving the lives of thousands of people. Additionally, the water tower has alleviated the suffering of women, young gir1s, and boys who previously had to travel for miles every morning and evening to reach the nearest spring water source.
Photos are from a blessing held for the completed project This inspiring moment was made possible by your generous support
Clean Water is On its Way!
July 2021
The construction of a new water tower began With drilling and digging to create a reliable foundation. Unfortunately, the engineer who came to inspect the water quality found the depth of the well to be insufficient to cover Ndekesha. Now, the team will create another drill point at a designated spot where the quality of water will be sufficient for a permanent supply for the population. The population benefitted Will include the orphanage, Missionary Institute Friends of Christ Sisters' convent, and the hospital. Even with the obstacles that occur while making the quality of life better for others, it is important to remember that the Lord is with us every step of the way.
Moving forward, the construction project will include a complete water system with a running faucet and water tank in addition to the central water tower. Then, solar panels will be required to power the new supply of clean water.
There is still much work to be done, but we are hopeful and ecstatic to see the fruits of your generosity start to unfold!