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Thank you for Supporting Seminarians in Africa

Updated: 2 days ago

We just heard from Fr. John Dunne, SMA, in Nairobi, Kenya. He had great news to share, and much gratitude for your generous support. Here’s what he had to say:

“Greetings from Kenya! I write this note to wish you a very happy Christmas and hope it will be filled with peace, joy and blessings.

Presently we have forty one students living in the formation house and all are studying in the nearby Tangaza University College. A small number are studying Philosophy as we want all our students to do their Philosophy in their home countries. So here we have 14 students from Kenya and Tanzania doing Philosophy which is a three year programme. There are presently 27 students studying Theology, which is a four year degree program.

Our students come from 12 different countries so it is truly an international community. They come mainly from Africa and then India and one from Slovenia. We have decided to form out students in international settings as they will have to live in such communities once they are ordained and appointed to mission. Our formation team is also international.

I write in particular to thank you and all who have contributed towards the generous gift of $6,000 that has been sent to support 20 SMA seminarians for one year, while they are pursuing their studies here. This donation is much appreciated and I would like that the benefactors will hear through your office that we are truly grateful.

We had seven young men from this formation house in Nairobi who were ordained to priesthood in 2019.  In all there were 20 ordained to priesthood in the SMA this current year. There are four deacons who will hopefully be ordained priests with their class mates from other houses in 2020. There are presently eight men who are Acolytes and should be ordained to Diaconate in 2020.

Our students and the formation community pray each day for our benefactors; so be assured that we do not forget! Please remind the generous donors that they too are part of our prayers and thanks.

I conclude by saying once again THANKS to all.

Have a blessed Christmas season.”

Thank you for all you’ve done to make these seminarians’ study possible.



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