Give the lifesaving gift of clean, fresh water
In 2021 Catholic World Mission began to support the Diocese of Luebo in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Together with caring friends like you, we helped build a Catholic orphanage, as well as water towers that provide clean water to two poor communities. Now, the people of the village of Tshifuaka need your help.
There is no clean water near the village. That means nearly 13,000 people — including children and the elderly — are forced to drink dirty water that makes them sick. Children suffer from diarrhea, typhoid, fever, and malaria. With no medical care available, those common diseases become life-threatening.
Together with caring friends like you, we helped build a Catholic orphanage, as well as water towers that provide clean water to two poor communities. Now, the people of the village of Tshifuaka need your help.
“With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”​
In the past you helped build a Catholic orphanage, as well as water towers that provide clean water to two poor communities.
You can give comfort and joy to poor families this Christmas by giving the lifesaving gift of clean, fresh water.
Help parents lift their children out of poverty, supporting the Poultry Program
Children in the Diocese of Emdibir in Ethiopia suffer greatly from both material and spiritual poverty. T heir parents work hard as subsistence farmers, but many own only one animal. It’s not enough to provide for their children. That puts young people at risk of human trafficking, underage marriage, and criminal activity, all of which are common in the nearby city.
Your generosity today can help support a poultry-rearing program that will empower 1,000 families to earn more income and build better lives. With your help, Catholic World Mission will provide high-quality fertilized eggs, a solar-powered incubator, feed and medication for chickens, and other resources so families throughout the diocese can raise chickens and eggs for food and for sale. These sweet children are trapped in a life of poverty, facing malnutrition and other dangers every day.
Will you help them? Something as simple as a single chicken — or even a single egg! — can be completely life- changing for families striving to shape brighter, more promising futures. It takes so little to make a big difference for some of the most vulnerable children in the world. Please come together with Catholic World Mission supporters across the country to lift up our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia and help them rise from poverty.
Please come together with Catholic World Mission supporters across the country to lift up our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia and help them rise from poverty.
May we see in these chickens the promise of security, comfort, and hope for people in urgent need. Please send the most generous offering you can today.
These sweet children are trapped in a life of poverty
Your support in any amount can make a difference
Your Generosity Makes a Difference!
By donating to Catholic charity organizations such as Catholic World Mission, your donation can make a direct difference.​ We also provide regular updates through photographs and videos to show the immediate impact your donation provides.​ We encourage you to donate to Catholic World Mission today to support us as we meet basic needs and spread the love of Christ throughout the world.