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Providing Needed Aid in Ecuador

Updated: 5 days ago

Ecuador, located on the coast of South America, straddles the equator. It is the largest banana producer and exporter in the world, and it holds the largest fishing city in the world, Manta. Ecuador was devastated by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake on April 16, 2016. It's a country with much potential to rise out of the ashes, but currently needs our ongoing assistance for their continued rebuilding efforts. In 2020, we look forward to expanding our work with the poor in collaboration with the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales.


Providing Some Much Needed Aid

Thanks to your support, the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales have been faithfully serving the community of limones Ecuador In one year, have shared Christ's light by building new chapel buildings, providing food for the elderly, uplifting children through cultural programs, leading formation retreats, planting trees and, performing the Sacraments.

Support for MSFS Seminarians

In 2019, the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales (MSFS) sent a community of missionary priests to address the spiritual and material needs of the people at Valdez Limones. They've developed a practical, wide-reaching plan to help our brothers and sisters in Christ living in crushing poverty.

Water Tanks for Clean Water

MSFS priests hope to raise enough funds to supply three rooftop water tanks and purifiers for the community Currently, the only water reservoir system is an old cistern, which provides no filtration or purification.

Development Center

This building has no running water furniture, tables, or chairs-but it's where the MSFS priest hold the programs they run for the people of Valdez limones. Office the building is renovated and repaired, they'll be able to serve more of the area's desperately poor through faith format on classes, skills and job-training classes, and more programs for disaffected youth.

Mission Outreach by Boat

The only way to reach these remote island villages is by boat. In order to bring the hope of the Gospel to everyone living in the Valdez Limones communities, the MSFS had to purchase 3 motorized boats. But gas and maintenance are increasingly expensive. You can help make the name and love of Jesus known by giving 10 the MSFS "boat fund" today!




Boating to Share the Faith


Thanks to your bountiful support, the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales have boats to travel and serve even more communities!

In the past year, they have collectively built new chape buildings, provided food for the elderly, uplifted children through cultural programs, lead formation retreats, planted trees around the community, and performed the Sacraments. We look forward to seeing how these boats help them serve others through their Faith.


A Year of Flourishing Faith!

2022 - 2023

This past year, 790 children and 300 adults have been baptized, and 400 children have celebrated their first Holy Communion! The missionaries shared that they are proud to see the community live out the saying "Bloom where you are Planted."

It. has been an inspiration and joy to see the Limones community flourish in Faith because of our support of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales. Thank you for your support!


Support for MSFS Seminarians

June 2022

Your bountiful generosity has given Seminarians in Ecuador a chance to pursue their Divine Calling! The Missionaries of Saint Francis de sales are grateful for the support of Catholic World Mission and you as they train these men to build the Kingdom of God throughout the world. Your contribution to these Seminarians gives them an extraordinary opportunity they otherwise might not be able to have given their circumstances. We thank our Seminarians who are devoted to praying for our organization and lifting communities around the world out of spiritual poverty!


Building the Second Water Treatment Unit

October 2022

Thanks to your generosity, we collaborated with MSFS to begin the building of the second water treatment unit at St. Peter and Paul Parish! Located on the Limones Islands in Esmeraldas, Ecuador, this water treatment building and unit will provide clean drinking water for about 4,000 people from six neighboring islands including Santa Rosa, Canchimarelo, Tola, Tambillo, Progresso, and Barca. St. Peter and Paul Parish are grateful for your contributions towards making clean drinking water accessible in their community!


Celebrating at Their New Chapel

March 2022

We are continuing in the joyous work with the. MSFS at the San Pedro and San PabloParish, Limones. Esmeraldas and Río Verde communities, where 20,000 faithful members from 67 Mission Stations around the island will now be celebrating at their new Chapel. "Mother of Sorrows: Recently thirteen individuals celebrated their first Holy Communion.


Wonderful Christmas Gift!

December 2021

Thanks 10 your selfless giving, we were able to help the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (MSFS) give the people of Limones a wonderful Christmas gift! They rang in the holidays by distributing food and Christmas treats to the destitute and widows. This strongly parallels the early Apostles in the New Testament serving the poor and the widows. It shows that the lord's work is still being done time after time!


Child Empowerment Project

November 2021

Father Melky, MSFS shares some of the joyous moments that have occurred in the past couple of months as he faithfully serves in limones, Ecuador. During his duration in Ecuador, he has worked on launching the Child Empowerment Project with Fr. John Kennedy. This project wiII tend to the needs of children residing in Esmeraldas including providing them with a daily meal, tuition fees, school supplies, uniforms for sports teams, and counseling sessions. Their goal for the program is to provide intangible needs for the children including a safe, secure, and loving environment where they can learn, grow, and flourish all in the name of God.


The First of Three Water Filtration System April 2021

Thanks to your generous contribution, Fr. John Kennedy has completed the first of three water filtration systems in Limones, Ecuador! The community now has access to clean drinking water which will help eliminate the illnesses from drinking unpurified water.


Has Begun the Water Project December 2020

Because of you CWM's partner, Fr. John Kennedy, has begun the water project work in Limones, Ecuador. They are prepping the room where the water filtration system will be placed.

