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Providing a Safe Learning Environment

Built in the 1960s, St. Mary's serves 250 children-but the building is old and dilapidated. Today there are 9,000 people in Nkar, Cameroon and St. Mary's school wishes it could accommodate more children and provide a safe learning environment for their students. The children are denied education when the only school in the region is at maximum capacity -or has become unsafe to use. Cameroon has one of the highest infant mortality rates in Africa, and with your support more children can grow up with an education.




Working on the Roof Structure

May 2023


Building the Second Floor of the School

April 2023


The Dream of a Great School Building Come True

November 2022


Progress Continues

July -October 2022

Many hands make light work and there is much work to be done as progress continues on St. Mary's school in Nkar. Essential materials were used to construct the pillars and erect the basement walls that will one day welcome Kindergarteners. The children are so excited to see the progress and wonder and wait in anticipation for someday soon when their classrooms are ready to be explored!


A New Outdoor Sports Arena

December 2021 -July 2022

A new outdoor sports arena for Nkar, Cameroon is finally on its way! Unfortunately, construction was delayed for six years due to the country's instability. Now that it is safe to proceed, the surrounding community joyfully awaits their sports field which with be a beacon of hope and the center of the village life. So far, the land has been cleared and the foundation is set. Construction continues with building walls and the grandstand. Once the sports arena is completed, construction will begin on the brand new school!

Fr. Eugen's dream of creating a safe and secure future for his students is about to become a reality. The children are thrilled with the idea of attending the new school, flourishing educationally, and learning in a safe environment Nkar may be far away, but you can still share in their excitement by watching the Cameroon St. Mary's School video.

The fulfillment of this dream would not have been possible without the help and kindness of generous donors like Mike Drapeau and you.


We Had to Stop the Work for Security Reasons

October 2018

Fr. Eugen. our beloved partner, just sent us a dire update:

"English-speaking Cameroon is going through a horrible moment. For three weeks I knew nothing about my family in Nkar and those in Kumbo and beyond, because the pro-independence fighters in their fight against government forces cut off the roads, dug deep trenches across the roads, and destroyed bridges. No communication network, no

electricity, and we ore still living under curfew from 6pm to 6 am now for months. Last Saturday, I was able to talk to my elder brother, and everyone is safe.

"Every work stopped. No schools all over anglophone Cameroon. We have been indoors for two weeks now. Gunshots everywhere. No public work or activity is going on. We hope these days were will not break out full fledged once with the declaration of the upcoming elect/on results. Pray for us. We had to stop the work at Nkar for security reasons. As soon as we can resume, I will keep you posted. Keep us in your prayers."

Please join us in praying for Fr. Eugen, Cameroon, and especially the students of St. Mary's School.


The Situation is Currently Distressing

April 2017

In Nkar, Cameroon, the Situation is currently distressing. The children have had to stop in the middle of their school year due to the electricity and water in the whole northern half or Cameroon being shut off because or political unrest and civil war. Fr. Eugen contacted us with his request for our prayers and to thank us for all that we have done to give them hope·

"Thanks for giving us hope with the shipment ....we need you and all the help we can get. Speaking English has become our crime and misfortune for being Cameroonians -8 million people! The situation in Cameroon is far from resolved... Pray for us." - Fr. Eugen


St. Mary's School is Undergoing Some Major Renovations

Summer 2016

St Mary's School in Nkar. Cameroon is undergoing some major renovations! The old school is crumbling, the ceiling is falling down, and the roof has caved in some classrooms. Thanks to your generosity we were able to begin construction of a new, safe school for the children. It is a huge community effort. In June, land and crops were cleared to construct the new building the Locals have donated almost all of the labor, splitting their time between building the school and working their own land and crops. They know that the school is the only way the children will break free from the cycle of poverty.

Locals will dig over 50 pillars to support the new two-story classroom! Each pillar is ten feet deep and takes hundreds of concrete blocks to build one pillar. Every day volunteers come out to mix the cement and to make hundreds of concrete blocks. The concrete blocks take over 27 days to cure!

The community is so excited to see the school coming together and to know that they were part of making it a reality. The children are always trying to give a hand and check in on the progress. When the school is completed there will be over 12 classrooms! Over 300 children will an end St. Mary's this coming year thanks to you!


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