Most Nigerians live on less than $1.75 per day, which categorically falls under extreme poverty. 29% of the workforce in Nigeria is made up of children ages 5-14. We need to respond to the call in Nigeria to bring spiritual and physical uplift to communities desperate for hope.
The school at Holy Rosary Primary School in Ukpor, Anambra State, Nigeria. has no bathroom facilities for the children. When they have to "go," their only option is a stand of bushes outside. But this is scary and dangerous for them because of the snakes. As a result, the students try their hardest to never have to use the bathroom while at school. They don't eat before or during school. They don't drink any water. And if worse comes to worst and they absolutely can't hold it, they go home to use the bathroom-and often don't return to school until the next day. How can children learn If they're hungry, dehydrated, or not even in school?
Send Supplies to Nigeria & Change Lives
We aim to provide four schools in Nigeria with resources including school supplies, whiteboards in classrooms, and weekly meals so they may continue changing the lives of over 900 deserving and bright children. St. Mary's Primary School, Broderick Primary School, Lively Stone International, and Santa Maria Nursery and Primary School work hard to give their students what they need on scant funds and resources and are calling for our aid. Students like Michael will reap from your bountiful generosity as they have the chance to earn an education despite their unfortunate circumstances.
Food and Love for Children
May 2021
Catholic World Mission, along with our partner. Keneolisa Charities, sponsored a school feeding program at Holy Rosary Elementary School in Nigeria this past May. Many children received the nourishment they needed and they appreciated the kindness and love shown by CWM donors. Even during these times of uncertainty - you took time and showed how much you cared.
They not only received bowls of food but bountiful love that was felt countries away from our donors!
A day blessed with full bowls and happy hearts. Thank you to our generous donors!
Successfully Install Working Bathrooms into Elementary School!
March 2020
Thanks to generous contributors like you we were able to successfully install working bathrooms into Holy Rosary Elementary School! This was a Joint proJect with Keneolisa Charities in efforts to give the students a healthy and safe school environment.
Bathrooms Under Construction for Holy Rosary Elementary School
New Roof for Broadrick Street Primary School
April 2018
We called on you in March with an emergency request to help Broadrick Street Primary School finish its roof. With just two da. to go before our partner, Felicia, had to return to the St.ites, this was an urgent need. But you rallied and gave generously! we were able to send the needed funds in time, and the roof was finished in April!
Here is what Felicia had to say in an email she sent to us from Nigeria:
"Happy Easter. This is the but Easter ever. I don't know what else to say. God Almighty will never forget you all. The Children were too happy, all their prayers were for Catholic World Mission. God bless you all. Everybody In the city and community came to see the new changes at Broadrick School in Enugu. Thank you all. I am so proud of Catholic World Mission."
Children's Day
May 2016
Children's Day is celebrated every year in Nigeria on May 27. Traditionally children are excused from school, and instead shadow leaders in the community. Your generosity allowed us to take part in Children's Day this year in Nigeria! Our missionaries brought exercise books for 2000 children, along with pencils, chalk, and snacks for the children to enjoy.
Children in six schools benefited from your generosity. With your help we can continue celebrating Children's Day in Nigeria for years to come!
'We are thankful for Catholic World Mission and pray that God rewards them in Jesus' almighty name." - Betty, Niger an School Teacher

Mission Trip
May 2015
In May 2015 missionary Felicia Amanambu visited Nigeria to alleviate the suffering of the poorest of the poor. When she saw the poverty in the villages she asked what their greatest needs were, and how she could fulfill them. School supplies and medical care were among the most urgent needs. We were able to respond immediately thanks to your support!
Felicia shared with us that wherever she goes people shout, "Catholic World Mission is here! Catholic World Mission has come to help us!" Thanks to your support, this joy is contagious.
Desks for Students
In a country full of corruption, giving hope is not easy. When you strive to do the work of the Lord, the Holy Spirit often intervenes. We were so blessed this year to receive donations from all over, making it possible to give desks to students in Nigeria. Providing desks where there were once none is just one of the ways we are building platforms for education and aiming to help the whole world.