For 46 years, the Sisters of Charity raised many children and did vital work through their ministry at Ndekesha Orphanage. Due to war and increased fighting. the orphanage was closed in 1998. After 4 Years, the Ndekesha Orphanage is Re-opened! In 2002 the facilities were in terrible condition due to the war. With the continued support of the archbishop, the sisters, led by their superior, Sister Beatrice, have been advocates and mothers to many, many children over the last 15 years. Despite their dedication and perseverance, the Sisters of the Friends of Christ and Archbishop Ka bongo were unable to get a proper facility for the children, and were without the resources to feed the children nutritious meals.
Providing Nutritious Meal
Summer 2021
Your selfless generosity gave many young children the opportunity for nourishment. The children at Ndekesha Orphanage are thankful YOU providing them with a nutritious meals. The joy they emulate is contagious and shows us that the Kingdom of Heaven truly belongs to them.
Continue our Monthly Support in the Face of the COVID-19
Summer 2020
Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we've been able to continue our monthly support of the Ndekesha orphans in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Did you know? Every month we send vital aid for food, medicine, clothing, and personal products like soap and shampoo to the orphans in Ndekesha. With increased costs and increased needs because of the pandemic, this aid was in very real danger of coming to an end earlier this year. But thanks to YOU, the children in Ndekesha continue to thrive. Look at the photM to see how much they've grown. Don't they look healthy and well?
New Construction was Completed
October 2018
The Ndekesha Orphanage was just dedicated this fall! New construction was completed, and the children and Sisters were able to return to their home this summer. Bishop Pierre Celestin was on hand for the celebration. He blessed the new orphanage and led a prayer service, which was followed by dancing and songs sung by the children. Thank you for your generous help for these little ones!

Continue to Love Each Child Well
April 2018
The orphans are still in Kananga, and still living in a small one-room apartment. Since arriving in Kananga, the sisters have taken in three more children from the streets. 17 religious sisters are now caring for 21 children. Please keep these children and sisters in your prayers. They are still hoping to move into a bigger apartment, and eventually a house. Their living quarters were extremely cramped before and are even more cramped with three more children. Pray especially for the sisters, that their hearts would be fully united to Jesus so that they can continue to love each child well and provide much-needed stability for them.

Bishop Pierre Celestin, of the Diocese of Luebo in DR Congo, Visited us!
September 2017
We were so exited to receive Bishop Pierre and to hear an update on our beloved Ndekesha Orphans. He told us they are still in their one-room apartment in Kananga. We thank God that they are all safe, but still in need of our hep.
DRC's civiI war has directly affected Bishop Pierre and his priests. Many priests were forced into hiding when they became the targets of the warring factions in DR Congo. The priests, who, in times of peace, usually live alone at their parish, now live in groups in order to stay safe. Some live in the bush, while many fled to other countries.
Bishop Celestin travels the world in the humblest conditions to gather the priests back to DR Congo. He recently traveled to a refugee camp in Angola to visit displaced priests.
Bishop Celestin is himself homeless as a result of the war. His rectory and cathedra were desecrated, sacked, and vandalized by fighters. Among the items destroyed was the cathedra's monstrance. We were delighted to be able to give Bishop Celestin a monstrance to replace the one destroyed by the war. We hope that Adoration will bring comfort to the bishop and his people during this scary time in their country.

Sent Immediate Help to the Sisters and Children
June 2017
Due to the terrible civil war racking the country, it is unsafe for the children and sisters to stay at the orphanage in Ndekesha.
17 religious sisters and 19 children walked 120 km (75 miles) for their safety. We are happy and grateful to report that everyone arrived safely in Kananga, after the trip took some of the children and sisters 10 days! However, their struggle to survive isn't over. Currently the 17 sisters and 19 children are all staying in a one bedroom home, packed like sardines.
Catholic World Mission sent immediate help to the sisters and children, who will need help paying for rent, food, medical supplies, and other necessities at least through the end of the year. Your generosity made it possible for us to do that. The sisters and children rely on your continued generosity as well.

Check In on the Orphans
October 2016
Ide, our partner here in Atlanta, Georgia, traveled home to DR Congo, to visit Ndekesha and check in on the orphans. Ide brought vestments to the local priests who were without, she helped carry rocks from the river for the orphanage, and most importantly she showered the children with love. Together, they celebrated the consecration of three new sisters who made vows as members of their congregation. The children clapped and celebrated the joyous occasion. The sisters who made vows are happy to have finally vowed to love Jesus all their lives.
Thank you to au our generous donors who have he ped to raise money for the Ndekesha Orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo this year! The sisters feel so blessed to be able to feed their children good meals of sardines, noodles, beans, and milk protein.

Construction is Under Way!
February 2016
Building began in January. The foundation is now complete, and the walls are halfway up. The children are gaining healthy weight now that they'Ve been
getting three hea thy meals a day. Many of them have witnessed serious oss and
ll traumas, but with a new, structurally sound home, and consistent. healthy meals,
they have the hope of stability and love fOf their futures.

Two Newborns were Abandoned
May 2015
Two newborns were abandoned dose to the Ndekesha Orphanage around May 25, 2015. They were sick with lung infections and their parents could not afford to take them to the hospital to receive proper care. They were found by the Sisters of the Friends of Christ, who named them Norbert and Ricardo. The babies have fully recovered, thanks to the love given to them by the sisters.
