A Young Student Pursuing Her Call to Be a Source of Healing.
Giai Lam, who also goes by Amy, is a bright and devoted young woman working towards a career in psychology. She is as compassionate as she is intelligent and has a generous desire to heal others. We are proud to feature Amy as our 2022 Light of the World as she demonstrates that you are never too young to make the selfless commitment of giving back and answering God’s call.
“Around 2 years ago I was thinking about giving back to God as a token of gratitude for everything He’s been doing for me and my loved ones. I was looking for trustworthy Catholic charities that have projects in South and Southeast Asia and found CWM. I like that you made your projects very transparent and accessible for us to see. It makes us who donate feel included in the project.”
About Amy & Her Calling
Originally from Vietnam, Amy now resides in Virginia with her family in pursuit of attending school and studying psychology. Despite the obstacles she faces to attend school, Amy persists and is fueled by her desire to “heal people as much as I can”.
Amy embarked on this selfless calling after having an opportunity to work with many teenagers who were facing personal hardships. Amy was told that her companionship uplifted and encouraged them as they worked towards becoming better people. This experience made her realize God has planned for her to be a source of healing for His children.
Amy & CWM
As Amy is on the cusp of starting her career, she has been eager to help people who need it right now. A few years ago, she set out on a quest to answer her calling of healing others and to plug in her giving-heart to the world. It was during this time she discovered Catholic World Mission…
Since discovering CWM, Amy has been a loyal and generous contributor, empowering the poor and sharing the gospel of Christ, by donating every month to Catholic World Mission’s “General Fund”. Her supportive generosity to all our projects is not only deeply appreciated, but vital to the mission.
Amy’s monthly generous gifts to our general fund have a huge impact. Every year, Catholic World Mission is involved with more than 50 projects – including education, building water wells, feeding the poor, providing medicines to the sick, rebuilding homes after earthquakes, and sending liturgical supplies to poor churches around the world. Funding for these important needs is supported by the general fund. We can’t thank her enough.
As Amy helps us empower people and communities, we also strive to empower her as she navigates through life. In October 2020, Amy was going through a difficult time. She decided to send in a prayer request, to the Catholic World Mission team, asking God to help her with the grief she was experiencing. Immediately, she felt the embrace of a personal e-mail from our team sending love and support. As she burst into tears at this act of kindness, she saw how Catholic World Mission encourages her through fervent prayer. Encouraging prayer request submissions is one of Amy’s favorite parts of CWM.
“It warms my heart and gives me great support knowing I have people praying for me to God… That is an act of kindness I will forever appreciate.”

You Rock, Amy. Thank you!
The fruits of Amy’s continuing generosity will leave a lasting impression for generations to come. We also know that, whether at the gas pump or grocery store, we are all feeling the effects of this strained economy. We sincerely appreciate Amy’s sacrifice to help the poor.
We are honored to play a role in Amy answering her call to be a source of healing and are deeply grateful for her generosity. As Amy embarks on the beginning of her career, she takes her selflessness and faithful spirit with her. May the passion she has for God and uplifting the poor inspire all of us to remember there is never a bette time to open your heart and empower the ones who need it most than right now.
Amy’s faithful generosity to our General Fund has helped support Catholic World Mission in its entirety. The General Fund allows CWM to…
Distribute funds according to the greatest needs.
Reliably fund 9 new projects each year.
Carry out an additional 40+ projects per year, not including the newly-selected 9 projects.
Sustain necessary operations, such as donation and project tracking.