Our Mission

Catholic World Mission bridges the gap between donors and partners to uplift those in spiritual and material poverty.



You Make This Possible
Chicks for families 

Thanks to your continued selfless giving, Evangelizadores de Tiempo Completo (ETC) distributed chicks to families in Chiapas and Tabasco. The chicks are a future source of food and income for these families, which will give them stability and a better quality of life.

We can be with one another through the power of prayer. Every week we pray for your’s intentions.

We can be with one another through the power of prayer. Every week we pray for your’s intentions.

Recent Successes

Malawi - Training for Pastoral Ministers

A huge thank you to the Koch Foundation whose generosity helped make this possible!

Philippines - Very Grateful!

First of all we really want to thank you for all your help to our Community. With your help our Community can continue to evangelize in the Philippines.

Tanzania - Food and Education for the Children

The children of St. Luke’s Primary School had enough food for nutritious meals as they attended school in Endulen, Tanzania. Fr. Albano Mwombeki, CSSp welcomed new and returning students.

Bangladesh - Positively Impacted on 250 Students

This support has empowered under privileged and marginalized students to break the vicious cycle of discrimination and exploitation prevailing in the tea garden.

Poland - Evangelization Programs Continue

Evangelization programs of the Legionaries of Christ are focused on bringing people back to the Church, no one is too young to embrace Jesus, and it is never too late. See some 2023 activities.

DR Congo - Water Tower for Ndekesha

We are pleased to share that as of September 17, 2023, the population of Kazumba now has access to clean and safe drinking water. The availability of clean water has prevented waterborne illnesses and been instrumental in saving the lives of thousands of people.

Cameroon - Working on the Roof Structure

Many hands make light work and there is much work to be done as progress continues on St. Mary’s school in Nkar. The children are so excited to see the progress and wonder and wait in anticipation for someday soon when their classrooms are ready to be explored!

Brazil - Shaping Well-Rounded Minds and Caring Hearts

Thanks to your generous support, Mão Amiga Brazil and Catholic World Mission continues our partnership with another year of education, faith, and fellowship for 483 children!

Mexico - A Car for Retired Priests in Cancun!

The Anahuac Community of Retired Priests in Cancun, Mexico has been blessed with a car for transportation thanks to your selfless giving! This car helps the senior priests be able to go to the doctor to receive medical treatments and consultations. 

Liberia - The Church is Complete!

We are overjoyed to announce the completion of the brand-new St. James Catholic Church in Yookudi, Liberia!

Ongoing Projects

Hait - Ensure children in Haiti have a seat at the table

Give 250 students a clean, safe place to share a meal and a moment of spiritual communion.

Build up the global Church by ensuring faithful Catholics have safe spaces to worship

Nigeria - Support Fr. Musa and 1,200 Catholics construct their parish home

Construction of the basement began in 2020. With your help today, that basement will become the foundation of a church filled with faith, hope, and love.

help guide the future of healthcare and biomedical research in the way of the faith

Mexico - Help form strong Catholic leaders who promote human rights and dignity

Support Fr. Patrick and 12 other religious on their educational journeys.

Our Pillars

Dignified Living

143K+ given access to clean water, reliable transportation, and nutritious meals…


2MM+ people heard the Gospel and were trained in our Catholic faith…


$500K+ in scholarship provided to students and teachers…

CWM Programs

Mano Amiga School

LAY Missionaries


Seminarian Formation

Lifesaving Supplies

Where We Work




North America

Central and South America

Ways to Give



Donor Advised Fund

Planned Giving

IRA Charitable Rollover

Matching Gifts

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Spread the Catholic Faith Across the World